Gillian George, Senior Account Executive, ponders the benefits of entering industry awards.

No matter what industry you work in, I can bet there’s an award for it. Whether it’s hospitality, healthcare, oil and gas or sport, every year nominations will open for a plethora of awards honouring different products and services.

Throwing your hat into the ring with your competitors to say you’re the best can be daunting and requires a commitment in time, but the credibility and profile can be worth every hour spent.

Here are five tips to ensure your application stands out in the sea of other entries during awards season:

  1. Pick the right category

    Before you can even think about drafting an entry, you need to decide what category(s) you want to enter. The question is, what do you want to be recognised for? Is it being a technology innovator or a top employer? Once you narrow this down you can start looking at the categories most relevant to you.

  2. Keep it concise

    Most award entries will have a strict word count and it’s important to stick to this. You should be able to sum up your product/service in the space provided so choose your words carefully. Think about the core differentiator of what makes you stand out from your competitors and use this as a focal point for your submission. Avoid repetition and make every paragraph meaningful. Using your marketing agency’s wordsmithing, objectivity and editing expertise can really make a difference here.

  3. Quantify everything

    Whilst buzzwords like ‘game-changing’ and ‘cost effective’ may have some sort of impact, can you demonstrate the proof of the pudding? If your service saves money, how much? If it’s saving time, how many hours? It’s quantifiable information like this that gives the tangible evidence the judges need to see just how brilliant you are. Showing stats and giving outcomes will help.

  4. Testimonials

    Whilst most people can talk until the cows come home about how great their businesses are, it can have more impact if you have independent endorsements. Testimonials are a clever way to show that it’s not just you who feels this way; your customers or employees think you’re amazing too! Getting them to say why they love what you do can add serious weight to a submission.

  5. Get creative

    If your entry allows you to, get creative! Interview your customers and film video testimonials, submit a 30-second advert filmed by your staff on why they love working for your company. The possibilities are endless and it’s this kind of creativity that will get you noticed amongst the hundreds of applications. BIG’s in-house videographers can help bring the magic.

Finally, if your award entry is successful enough to make you a winner, shout about it! Get it on your social media channels, include it in your internal newsletter and tell everyone how brilliant you are.

If you would like help with raising your profile through awards, get in touch.

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