Our dynamite team in the UK’s coolest city

Ideally located to cover the vibrant north west of England, working with clients from Liverpool to Manchester, and from Leicester to Birmingham, we cover a lot of ground from here. From retail superstars to emerging technology and industrial giants, there’s a lot on offer.

If you bring the chat, we’ll bring the biscuits.

3 reasons why we love Manchester...

  1. It’s the heart of the Northern Powerhouse, which means huge investment in the area from government and a veritable phalanx of industry sectors all clamouring to establish themselves in Manchester. Few cities have enjoyed the renaissance Manchester has experienced in recent years.
  2. Location, location, location. At the heart of the north west of England, Manchester is perfectly situated to access the rest of the area. Not just from a work perspective, but it’s a great launchpad for exploring the rest of the region.
  3. The talented workforce. With leading universities and colleges, there’s an outstanding talent base in Manchester. Have you met our team?